
Our success over 20 years in delivering high quality and sustainable health care to disadvantaged communities comes down to our focus on evidence and outcomes.
The Foundation believes that all people, regardless of their race, gender, sexuality, age, disability or other characteristics have the right to health, and fair access to the services and support they need to realise their goals.

We work to support you and your community on your journey and provide advice to help you to get to where you want to go. We call this way of working with you community-led development. Essentially, your community leads and we assist you.

We are committed to the human rights of all people. We celebrate diversity, promote inclusion and encourage participation of individuals and the community in all aspects of their community's health and wellbeing. We integrate human rights norms and principles in the design, delivery and evaluation of our services, programs and advocacy.

We focus on the strengths of a community, and the people who make up the community, including personal strengths and social and community networks and not on their deficits. Strengths-based practice is holistic and multidisciplinary and works with individuals and communities to promote equity and opportunity.

We understand that every community is different, so we target the specific circumstances of a place and engage with the local community as experts as active participants in their development and the implementation of programs.