The Healthy Communities Foundation Australia Ltd has been working as a charity since 2001 to improve access to care for vulnerable Australians. Our goal is to support the aspiration of “health for all”.
The HealthAccess Home Care service is a social enterprise of the Foundation and supports residents of Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACF) to access regular primary care and chronic disease management services through a team-care arrangement that ensures elderly people can age close to home and family.
We are looking for Nurse Practitioners (NP) to join our HealthAccess Home Care team in multiple locations across NSW including Newcastle & Hunter, North Coast, Orana and Central West, New England and South Coast. You will support healthy ageing for a group of RACF residents providing both on-site and Telehealth-based care.
The service was co-designed with residents, carers, RACF staff and clinicians and is built around a team care model.
Every quarter a qualified GP that is the regular doctor for a RACF works with the resident, aged care staff and NP to co-design a health maintenance and chronic disease management plan. At HealthAccess Home Care the GP/NP are allocated to specific group of residents located at a RACF to ensure elderly Australians have access to a regular care team and continuity of care.
As an NP, you will visit your patients on a regular basis as well as provide consultations using our dedicated Telehealth system. You will have a regular GP available to support you to manage the complex care needs of residents, and a team of practice professionals to provide backend administration.
The model acknowledges that for older people, access to regular clinicians is important to their security and confidence in the care they receive.
You will provide a regular, and rapid response, capability as part of a quality acute geriatric care program for residents of local RACFs through the early triage, assessment, preliminary diagnosis and primary care for the acutely unwell and deteriorating residents.
As NP, you will work as a team with your GP, to manage chronic disease, acute and terminal care for residents. Your role includes providing comprehensive clinical assessments, appropriate recommendation, and interpretation of diagnostics, safe and effective use of treatments and relevant referral skills applied to a broad range of challenging, complex, and changing situations within the Aged Care settings.