Learn how to better support friends, family and your community. The National Rural & Remote Suicide Prevention Program has partnered with LifeLine and ACON to provide a free 3 day community workshop in Mental Health First Aid, Accidental Counsellor Training and SafeTalk.

What is an accidental counsellor?
An accidental counsellor is trained to safely and effectively support friends, family, colleagues, and strangers who are in distress or experiencing a crisis.
Accidental Counsellor training
The National Rural & Remote Suicide Prevention Program will sponsor a 3 day community workshop in Mental Health First Aid, Accidental Counsellor Training and SafeTalk. Workshops will be run by LifeLine and ACON. Accidental counsellors will also receive ongoing support and regular coffee catch-ups.
Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea will be provided.
What is the National Rural & Remote Suicide Prevention Program (NRRSP)?
The NRRSP is a federal government-funded program that aims to reduce suicide rates in rural and remote NSW, by improving awareness in the community, creating support networks and improving access to services. The program is managed by the Healthy Communities Foundation Australia.
Registrations for this free 3 day workshop are essential. Click below to register your interest: