A nurse‐led model of care to improve access to contraception and abortion in rural general practice: Co‐design with consumers and providers
JE Moulton, N Arefadib, JR Botfield, K Freilich
The research describes the key features of a co-designed nurse-led model of care intended to improve access to early medication abortion and long-acting reversible contraception in rural Australian general practice.
Why is this useful for rural and remote people?
Poor access to reproductive health care, contraception and abortion services in rural and remote communities is a major inhibitor for women to live and work in these communities. Existing services are largely concentrated in major cities, or where they are provided in the bush services are not appropriate, acceptable or sufficiently reliable. There is a chronic shortage of GPs in rural and remote communities. Where GP services exist the GP may lack appropriate clinical training to support women’s reproductive autonomy, may be unwilling to provide care for religious reasons or women may feel uncomfortable seeking services (eg from a male practitioner). The co-designed nurse-led model of care for contraception and medication abortion is one strategy to increase access to these essential reproductive health services, particularly in rural areas, while
providing an opportunity for nurses to work to their full scope of practice.
Suggested Citation
JE Moulton, N Arefadib, JR Botfield, K Freilich (2024) A nurse‐led model of care to improve access to contraception and abortion in rural general practice: Co‐design with consumers and providers, Journal of Advanced Nursing